Contact Us

If you have a project in mind or would like to work with us, please do get in touch


Contact us

71 Davenport St, Southport QLD 4215


Schedule a Call

We’d love to meet with you and discuss all things UX.

Book a time here or submit an enquiry below.

If you’re having trouble starting, here’s the kind of email that gets us super excited about working on your project (feel free to modify and send to us!)

Hey Classhouse UX,

My name is [John Doe], and I’m a product manager at [Company Name]. I’d love to talk to you about a UX Research project.

We’ve have reviewed our product roadmap and decided some user input is needed to validate the next features for our web/mobile experience. We’re looking for some additional support in our Product team to help us better understand our Users, test concepts with them, gather feedback and feed insights back to our design team before assisting with design to development handoff.

We would also like to consider an expert review/UX audit of our existing product.

We’d like to get started within [x weeks/months] so we can [achieve our project goal]. Is that reachable?

We have a team, so you would be working directly with us and we can move quickly.

I can provide further information if required. If this sounds like a project you can assist with, let’s set up a discussion.



We’d love to help you with:

Understanding your Customer. You want to learn more about your Customer, you just know that it would be easier for a third party to ask the questions. We can meet with your Customers, and help to create a shared internal understanding of your Customer Personas .

Validating with end Users. You want to test a new product or feature with your Customers. We can help conduct rounds of remote testing and prototype iteration to ensure Users will love your product before a line of code is written.

Evaluating your current product. You want to understand how your product can be improved. We can conduct an expert evaluation of your product against a set of best practice criteria to provide a list of actionable recommendations that will improve your product User experience.

Development support. We love going in to bat for you and providing some extra support when it comes to the development phase.